Practice Group | Bassford Remele

Food Safety

Even with every precaution, food safety issues can and do happen. From restaurants and markets to food manufacturers and exporters, we represent clients both locally and nationally on a wide range of food safety and product liability matters. For two decades, we have built extensive trial experience in this area of the law, handling both individual claims and mass tort proceedings.

The cases we have won have involved an assortment of products and situations, ranging from personal injury suits to multimillion dollar indemnity claims. A few examples: we helped a global client facing multi-state litigation for allegedly exporting moldy cream cheese to China, provided representation for multiple product recalls due to food safety issues, and successfully defended a restaurant chain against an individual seeking damages for biting into a foreign object.

Representative Cases

Represented a food product exporter against a dairy manufacturer and defended related customer claims, obtaining a favorable resolution in a multi-state product liability case involving moldy cream cheese exported to China.

Represented a retail store, achieving a favorable result in a case involving alleged sales of Listeria-contaminated food.

Represented a global food manufacturer, obtaining summary judgment in two cases involving alleged Salmonella contamination of peanut butter.

Represented a dairy cooperative involved in a product recall.

Represented a national restaurant chain, obtaining a favorable result for our client in a case involving an allegation of a foreign object in food.

Defended a food company at trial, obtaining a defense jury verdict in a claim involving injuries sustained from alleged tainted food.